Clash Royale Mega Knight Fisherman Deck Arena 11+

Hi, guys today I will show you Mega Knight Fisherman Deck This is a very good Deck for Grand Challenges and Ladder and I have got Grand Challenge wins respectively with this deck. I think that’s enough to consider this a consistent and decent deck.

Hi, guys today I will show you Mega Knight Fisherman Deck This is a very good Deck for Grand Challenges and Ladder and I have got Grand Challenge wins respectively with this deck. I think that’s enough to consider this a consistent and decent deck.

It’s a variant of the Mega Knight Bridge Spam Deck which is very popular in this meta:

Mega Knight Fisherman Deck Card Role:

1.) Mega Knight: This is your win condition He provides enormous value,  Amazing to counter push with Bandit and Fisherman, and you can split push the other lane with a Lumberjack to guarantee some damage. 

It Can be use either defensive or offensive. Use it to smash through Barbarians, Skeleton Armies, and more. It’s tankyness make him offensive, as well as his area damage, helping him in clearing Skeleton Armies.

2.) Magic Archer: The Magic Archer is your big support troop. Pair him with E wiz to clean up pushes and swarms. Magic Archer’s range and attack speed are so good.

Don’t give your opponent spell value. Also use him to chip away at the Tower if your opponent places a slow moving troop.

Though damage is low, he 2 shots Minions! He has more range than a Dart Goblin/ Royal Giant. Range can be utilized for many things, like sniping buildings, troops etc. 

3.) Bandit: This Deck is focused on pressuring. Bandit is mainly for that, also to help take down defenses. She was always in the Bridge Spam element because of her dash ability, fast speed and fast hit speed.

She can dash across from river to take down towers and defenses as well as sniper Princesses etc. Utilize her charge because the 2x damage can dictate outcome in many trades.

Paired up with the Lumberjack or Mega Knight these two are hard to stop, especially If the Mega Knight eventually start tanking for her.

4.) Log: The Log’s main use is for killing ground swarms. Save it to kill Princesses, Goblin barrels, or Goblin Gangs.

The Log is always a great card since it can knock back any ground troop.

5.) Fisherman Deck: One of the best cards in the game, this is the best card  to kite units into the range of your Mega Knight, You can use Fisherman in Counterpush with Bandit and Lumberjack

6.) E-Wiz: You can replace it with Ice Wiz but it’ll be hard. Just a defensive card really. Both have their own perks but I like the spawn Zap on E-Wiz.

This is mainly for defense because unlike beatdown this Deck doesn’t struggle vs Inferno Tower. Great vs Lavahound and Graveyard, vs any deck really. Just try not to give opponent value Fireballs or Lightning with him and protect him as much as possible as this is sorta your only solid anti-air troop.

7.) Inferno Dragon: The tank killer of this deck. You should use this card as wisely as you can, because it is what can shut down your opponents’ push, either nothing other than a weird flying dude, and you have nothing else for their tanks.

Mega Knight is good against low-medium health troops and this cute Dragon is for the high ones.

Some people would prefer the Inferno Tower, but in this deck, Inferno Tower is not that good, You can’t make counterpunches with the IT, and the Lightning can shut down it with ease.

8.) Lumberjack: Deals damage very quickly and drops a Rage after he dies. Use this to defend your towers if nothing else is available (from Mages, Knights, etc.). Drop him right after the Mega Knight in a push or make him a tank for other units.

Mega Knight Fisherman Deck Strengths:

The strengths of this deck is it’s defensive potential. With the Mega Knight, Magic Archer and Fisherman, you scan clean up most pushes and create a deadly counter push with Bandit and E Wiz

This deck also has the Inferno Dragon which has been a very strong card in the July Meta 2019. You can use Inferno Dragon to Kill Big Tak Like Golem And Pekka

Also with the meta having a lot of Giants, and Golems, P.E.K.K.A will easily counter those tanks with the Magic Archer shooting right through all the troops and If opponent using Goblin Barrel or any Bait Deck You have Log 

Mega Knight Fisherman Deck Weakness:

The weakness of this deck is the lack of air defense in Few Match Ups. if you are playing Against a deck with lots of air troops you should use carefully your E-Wiz, Infeno Dragon and Magic Archer so they don’t get spell value.

This deck is very Strong against Hog Decks and Bait Decks  Use your Log against the Barrel and  Princess. Also use the Magic Archer and Mega Knight to clean up swarms.

That’s it guys for this awesome Guide Make sure to comment about this

