Hi guys, welcome to our Last Oasis Season 5 Guide, Tip & Tricks 2022, In this Last Oasis Season 5 Guide, Tip & Tricks, we will tell you the method of finding, extracting and processing rare resources. As well as the construction of high-level walkers and buildings.
So come and take a look at this Last Oasis Season 5 Guide, Tip & Tricks
Last Oasis Season 5 Guide, Tip & Tricks 2022
Last Oasis Quality Guide with Tips & Tricks.
First off, Last Oasis has a great survival tutorial that will help you to overcome all the hurdles in the early start of the game. But as in any survival game its easy to get stuck when starting to do more advanced things, like in Last Oasis when trying to make quality equipment or walkers.
Where to find quality items
Quality items are found all over the map and are rare to find. The highest quality at the moment is 100, so if you are going for high quality, go for 100 (Not always possible at private servers). You find high quality by looking at resources when you stand next to them or you can find them from distance by using the Rangefinder. When looking at the resource you can see what quality you can get out of it.
Where to find quality items at hard map:
Bone Splinter
Aloe Vera
How to make quality items
It’s a big grind to make your items level 100, but it is worth it.
The first thing you need to do is to harvest some quality resources, use high-quality resources to make what you need, you now got your first quality.
As you progress into the game you will finally unlock the best Pickaxe, Scythe, and Axe witch you will need to have to be able to get level 100 resources. But you can not get level 100 quality items with a level zero Scythe ore Pickaxe, so the trick is to use some high-quality items to make the workstation higher level, then make the higher quality items with the quality crafting station. This is a round dance that will make you insane at the end, but its the way to go to get the quality higher and higher.
But be aware, making high-quality items in crafting stations take much longer time, so if you are crafting something that does not require high quality, use low-level crafting station.
Quality Crafting stations.
There is no problem making a low-quality crafting station, but to progress to make high quality you need to start somewhere. And to make it to the top you need to make and dismantle your crafting stations. Or being able to harvest the highest quality materials, that at private servers seems to be impossible.
When you dismantle you will get the high-quality items back to the inventory witch you can reuse to make even better quality stations.
Benefits of high quality
There are many benefits of crafting high-quality, one of the best is the increase in speed you gain from having high-quality weapons. The damage done is not the reason you get a high-quality weapon, its the speed and durability. You can use anything with high quality for a much longer period before it gets broken.
Making high-quality walkers gives you the benefit of being able to put on more modules, and is the only way to level up your walker past level 5. Getting a walker level 100, you will be able to put on 10 times 10 modules, and the hitpoints increase.
That’s it for this Last Oasis Season 5 Guide, Tip & Tricks