ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creatures & Maps Guide

Hi guys, welcome to our ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creatures & Maps Guide, Fjordur is the second community map released with completely new creatures, and the second to include another creature chosen by the ARK community. Unleash a tank-like fury from atop the saddle of your Andrewsarchus, explore with the Fjordhawk, ARK’s newest shoulder pet…

Hi guys, welcome to our ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creatures & Maps Guide, Fjordur is the second community map released with completely new creatures, and the second to include another creature chosen by the ARK community. Unleash a tank-like fury from atop the saddle of your Andrewsarchus, explore with the Fjordhawk, ARK’s newest shoulder pet companion, travail the icy landscape accompanied by your frosty Fenrir, or drain your enemies’ and foes’ lifeforce with the Desmodus

So come and take a look at this ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creatures & Maps Guide

ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creatures & Maps Guide

New ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creature: Andrewsarchus! This scavenger whippomorpha is robust in the midst of battle with a saddle scaling with armor and damage. Mount the minigun equipped saddle to this resilient beast and hold on tight!

  • Taming – Sneak up on the Andrewsarchus, throw honey in front of it, wait for it to eat, then sneak up and mount to begin ride taming.
  • There will be white arrows pointing left and right (which seems to be the direction its running) when pressed and held at the correct time the taming bar will progress.

New ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creature: Desmodus! This eerie creature is gifted with echo-location, blood-sucking, and wall latching abilities along with a unique sanguine elixir that will help you enthrall the most stubborn creatures

New ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creature: Fjordhawk! A playful and intelligent avian companion, it will retrieve on command for its owner and even collect your belongings if you meet misfortune

New ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creature: Fenrir! Legends say that this wintry wolf can only be obtained by conquering the beast in its frozen realm. Once mastered Fenrir will aid you with its icy abilities, crowd control, and slows.

Only survivors worthy enough to surpass the ultimate test and defeat the mighty Fenrir are able to wield the lightning-imbued hammer, Mjolnir. This first of its kind skin includes additional abilities worthy of Thor, himself! Once equipped, Survivors can utilize this weapon’s godlike powers to devastate foes with shocking ease as they harness the elemental power of lightning!

Use the ancient power of the runes to summon world bosses, Hati and Skoll along with Steinbearn and Baelur. Defeat these mighty archetypes in order to progress to the showdown with the revered bosses of old before the ultimate battle against the mighty Fenrir.

A map of icy splendor with four islands: Vardiland, Vannaland, Bolbjord & Balheimr inviting you to explore cold beautiful forests, breathtaking landscapes, and the mystical realms of Jotunheim, Vanaheim, and Asgard.
More than 25 dangerous caves nestled amid the 140 square kilometers of Fjordur are waiting to be spelunked.
Encounter and tame a variety of ARK creatures from all DLC’s

ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Maps Guide

ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creatures & Maps GuideThat’s it for this ARK Survival Evolved Fjordur Creatures & Maps Guide

