21 Satisfactory Guide 2022 Update 6 Wiki

Hi guys, welcome to our Satisfactory Guide 2022 Update 6 Wiki, In this Satisfactory Guide 2022 Update 6 Wiki, we will tell you some Satisfactory Tips that can help both the beginner and veteran in their factory development.

Hi guys, welcome to our Satisfactory Guide 2022 Update 6 Wiki, In this Satisfactory Guide 2022 Update 6 Wiki, we will tell you some Satisfactory Tips that can help both the beginner and veteran in their factory development.

Additionally, you will find useful information for setting up various power generation systems in the game.
Please use the Table of Contents to get around, as this guide is extensive. So come and take a look at this Satisfactory Guide 2022 Update 6 Wiki – Best Build Guide

Satisfactory Guide 2022 Update 6 Wiki – Best Build Guide

Tips and Tricks List

1. Take your time. Do not rush progress. Learn how the different production processes work. Late game production can be quite complex. Do not be afraid to dismantle and try again!

2. Build up! Take advantage that you can build vertically. You can build up to 2 Km into the sky. In the Awesome Shop are double ramps and walkways. These are the best to get too higher floors. From sea level, you can build approximately 244 meters below, into the void for example.

3. The void is the common name for the endless pit you see on the edges of the map, and a few areas in the middle.

4. Practically, your common bottlenecks in the game are belts and pipes. Fundamentally, the bottleneck is resource extraction. Belts and pipes can be removed as a bottleneck through careful planning and factory layouts, but resource limits can never be avoided.

5. Belts are rated by items moved per minute, the tiers are 60 / 120 / 270 / 480 / 780 items per minute.

6. Pipes have two tiers, similar to belts. MK1 pipes have a maximum flow-rate of 300m3, and MK2 have a maximum flow-rate of 600m3.

7. Head lift is the ability to move liquids against the force of gravity. Starting from some source of head-lift (e.g. a pump or building). Liquids can only ever reach that far up relative to said source of head-lift. You can go down and then back up, but a T1 pump at 37 meters elevation will only ever be able to move liquids up to 59 meters elevation. Head-lift doesn’t directly stack:
you can’t have four pumps at 37 meters and pump fluids up to 125 meters; you have to have pumps at 37, 59, 81 and 103 meters elevation.

8. Most fluid-related buildings (e.g. water extractors) provide 10 meters head-lift. T1 pumps provide 22 meters of head-lift, and T2 pumps provide 55 meters of head-lift.

9. This relatively simplified fluid dynamics can lead to interesting results when merging multiple pipelines: This can even be exploited by building a water tower for example.

10. Pumps also act as one-way valves.

11. In the game, there is another pipe related part called a “valve”. This valve provides no head-lift. It can be used to control the flow direction of a pipe, and how much fluid is allowed through. For example, you may only need 150m3 of water. You can use a valve to limit the flow to that 150m3 goal. Keep in mind that valves are not perfect. There can be some fluctuation.

12. If you route your pipes downhill, you can get around head-lift altogether up to where the pipe begins to go downhill.

13. The simplest way to construct chains of machines is by use of the manifold system.
Please reference this Wiki article for more information on manifolds: https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Manifold

14. A manifold is a set of machines in a single, straight line. With the use of splitters, mergers, or pipe junctions, simply take one belt or pipe and branch it off in series. The only downside is that it can take a while for the system to become 100% efficient. This is because each machine in the line needs to fill its internal storage. This system is also commonly known as overflow. This allows easy expansion.

15. Overflow spiter mode, found in smart and programmable splitters can be used to siphon off excess resources to another production chain, or an AWESOME Sink. This is very important in any processes that have byproducts. For example, oil processing. The same effect can be accomplished with normal splitters, there is just no filtering mode with a normal splitter.

16. You can also balance your factories using a more traditional balancer. A balancer is similar to what is commonly used in games like Factorio. They are a set of splitters and mergers designed to create different outcomes. For example, you may have 4 belts that you need to merge into two belts, but those two belts need a different item per minute total. Here is a wiki article on some different balancer ideas.:

17. Exploration is quite important. You will want to find crash sites and power slugs.

18. Crash sites give you a hard drive. In your M.A.M, you can research that hard drive an discover an alternate recipe. You get 3 random choices per hard drove and you may select one at once. There are currently more hard drives on the map than alternate recipes. An example of a useful, early game alternate recipe is “Stitched Iron Plate”. This is an alternate for Reinforced Iron Plates, and is far more efficient than the normal recipe. Some alternates are straight-up improvements, while others replace a common resource with a rare one. Some are a trade-off.

19. Power slugs can be processed into power shards, which allow you to overclock your buildings.

21. How do i get out of being stuck in between 2 things? ( asked by @red) It depends on what your stuck on. Machine you built? Dismantle it. A tree or foliage? chainsaw. If all else fails, press C to crouch, should dislodge you.

Satisfactory Coal Plant Water Setups

Water is probably the most complicated part of coal power, here I will show you some examples of how to setup your water.

PLEASE NOTE: This note is for endgame builds. Now that Mark 2 pipes have been added to the game, they can be used for coal power setups as shown here. This guide will not show Mk2 pipe setups yet. I may add that in later. For now, if you wish to use a Mk2 pipe in your coal power plant, use the charts shown below as a baseline and simply double their size. Instead of 6 coal generators for a 300m3 supply of water, double it to 12 for example.

The Basics

This is all based off 100% clock speed.
45m3 per minute water is needed for each coal generator
each water extractor will pump 120m3 water
each pipe can have a flow rate of 300m3 fluid maximum

