Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 (HOI4 Guide 2022)

Hi guys, welcome to our Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 aka HOI4 Guide, In this Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 we will talk about Tips to get started and much more. so some and Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 aka HOI4 Guide

Hi guys, welcome to our Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 aka HOI4 Guide, In this Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 we will talk about Tips to get started and much more.

so some and Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 aka HOI4 Guide

Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 (HOI4 Guide 2022)

As the player is learning Hearts of Iron IV, remember these important steps as one formulates their plans for world domination.

One will start the game with a few production lines of weapons already active. The most important of these will be one’s infantry equipment, so, until more military factories have been built, put most of one’s energy here.

When a country is training new units, have multiple lines of infantry going at once. If one doesn’t, one will fall behind in army size.

Plan out National focuses early in the game. For instance Germany will want to move quickly along the paths that give it claims on Austria and Czechoslovakia. The USA will need to get itself out of the Great Depression. France has to watch its political stability. Have a long term goal in mind.

Keep in mind you don’t have to research all the National Focuses one after another. Sometimes it is best to wait a bit for the opportune moment, especially with research boosting focuses.
Each nation has access to extra research slots if they activate specific national focuses. These are easily identified by the beaker icons on the names (though some focuses with that icon give research bonuses instead – read the tooltips for details). The sooner these are unlocked, the better the army will fight.

When researching, try not to rush too far ahead since there are significant penalties to pursuing technology too early in the timeline. However, if one researches computing in the electrical engineering track, one can reduce their total research time by a significant margin.
If a powerful navy is not central to one’s war plans, one can usually ignore this aspect of the war and research tree. However, convoys are always useful for trade and supply, so have whatever dockyards owned should focus on that.

If one is at peace, armies should exercise so they can train until they reach regular status and earn experience. Adding an extra regiment, line battalion, or support company to an existing division design is an easy way to beef up one’s forces – unless one doesn’t have the equipment on hand to reinforce what one has.
In wartime, it is often better to let the new equipment fall into the hands of new units instead of reinforcing and upgrading old ones. Adjust the reinforcement and upgrading of troops with an eye to what one needs now – more active units in the field now or a stronger punch in a few months time.

Democracies should change their economic ideas as soon as they can in order to free up civilian factories that are otherwise dedicated to producing civilian goods.
Don’t forget to rest armies after they have reached their objectives. A few days of inaction will help with organization, reinforcement, and supply.

More Advanced Tips

Remember infrastructure and fortifications. Should one be attacked, a line of land forts and a battle plan for a defensive hold along a strategic line (like mountains or a river) could give the player time to hold off an invasion as he waits for help from allies and/or their own reinforcements.

If you lack a resource, but produce it locally (i.e. steel is produced, but not enough of it), try to avoid trading for it unless absolutely necessary. You can research excavation under the industry tab, which will increase the amount of your produced resources by 10% for each tier, up to 50% bonus if all tiers of excavation are researched. This will free up your civilian factories from trade and allow you to construct more buildings.

When there is a lack of material, remember to check what is being produced. It won’t do to have too many different recruits going at once (i.e both motorized and infantry) if what the factories are producing is going toward upgrades. An example would be to trim away motorized infantry for a while and focus on just regular infantry.

If one lowers the production of motorized and focus that on upgrading an existing unit, the free factories can be moved to infantry equipment and by extension allow for the production of more units.

that’s it for this Hearts of Iron 4 Guide 2022 (HOI4 Guide 2022).

