Ram Rider: Once again a very versatile card The Ram Rider will be played when she has a tanky unit to pair with like the pekka, knight, baby dragon or worst case the mega minion. Support the ram rider tank push with either the mega minion or baby dragon to really clear the crowds and lanes
Electro Wizard : I’m going to be honest his stun mechanic is OP. The E Wiz on defense is a pain to deal with for your opponent. He stuns every unit for the same amount of time and is a hard counter inferno dragon and sparky, two deadly cards.
It alone is a great counter to hog and leads to a counter push. His stun mechanic allows him to be played on defence at almost any time. Slows down tanks well and also chips a little at the support troops. PEKKA+E Wiz means not much is going to get through and can completely devastate even the largest of pushes.
Lightning: This spell is great on offense for supporting your P.E.K.K.A. It’s perfect for dealing heavy damage to enemy towers while taking out support troops trying to stop your P.E.K.K.A, such as Ice Wizard.
It will also severely wound Inferno Towers, Bowlers, and Executioners, and also getting the reset on Inferno Tower and Inferno Dragon.
It will take up some time to build up elixir to use Lightning, so this is usually used in your full push when it’s double elixir or when you’re confident Lightning will take out the only counter your opponent has for P.E.K.K.A. Also great for finishing off <350 HP Towers.
Baby Dragon: This card pairs extremely well with the Pekka. Its splash is vital to the success of this Pekka deck
It is one of the best support troops and can be used on defence or offence. it can Counters Barbarians, Minion Horde, Minions, and Skeleton Army so well. these troops will be unable to survive long enough to kill off your Pekka.
Bandit: The Bandit has quickly become one of the stronger cards in Clash Royale If you don’t believe me just use the Bandit and learn for yourself. In this deck the Bandit offers incredible versatility.
The Bandit can be placed behind a Pekka or paired with a ram rider for a surprisingly strong push. She can also be used on defence to clean up medium health units. She is now much more viable against enemies and efficient at chip damage.
Snowball: Self Explanatory
The gameplan is very simple and you just have to Support your P.E.K.K.A by using Baby Dragon + Electro Dragon to deal with supporting troops while damaging the tank, or just cut them off with Bandit or Barb Barrel.
Keep in mind If your opponent places down an Elixir Collector, start building a P.E.K.K.A push immediately in the back or You can play Lightning on Elixir Pump
Thanks for reading this Baby Dragon Pekka Ram Rider Deck Arena 11+ Guide All comments, questions, and criticism is welcome