Hey guys, Sample101 here. I wanted to make a Pekka Furnace Deck guide for a version of my graveyard deck that’s finally clicked. I’ve played around exclusively with this Pekka Furnace Deck concept for a while, but I basically haven’t lost with this version yet (15 wins).
It’s similar to Pekka bridge spam in terms of cards used but plays very differently. I realize it’s a lot of words, but the matchups aren’t actually important unless you’re planning on playing the deck. Mostly I was just excited that Dark prince -> Knight shored up all of this deck’s weaknesses.
Pekka Graveyard Deck 202
PEKKA: The bread and butter of the deck, your counter to any big push, and also hog rider. Either left to die on its own after a good trade, or supported by graveyard/snowball/ewiz if you can get more out of it.
Graveyard: Turns your counter pushes into a dead tower. Occasionally played cross lane with knight when PEKKA is going to slaughter whatever they dropped in front of it, or if they played witch behind the tower. Correct placement is barely, barely encircling the tower. If their opposite side tower is shooting your skeletons, move it over one tile. Level doesn’t matter much with it, since either they counter it or they don’t. Still, if it leaves their tower barely alive level can be frustrating.
Poison– Needed to kill big pushes like golem/NW, buildings, and also mops up ranged units played during a GY push. Usually save it for the building, unless you’re planning on whittling them down with GY poison.
Furnace– Typical usage, but don’t be afraid to play it at the bridge to kill princess, or 4/5 up from king tower to kill support units behind a miner. Can kill the bandit by itself without taking much damage at all. Baits balloon 4 up, hog 3 up. If it’s not stopping a push, the furnace is your secondary wincon. If they aren’t hitting it with spells, having 2 up makes your pushes easy. If they are hitting it with spells, they’ll have a hard time stopping graveyards.
E-wiz– Stops pushes with PEKKA, solo stops most of the hog rider, combines with graveyard to make inferno dragon placement really, really hard. You want it over musketeer because stopping prince, dark prince, hog, ram rider, and winning PEKKA v PEKKA trades is important. Musky is a good sub, if only because it will be higher level. Play this at the bridge if your high HP PEKKA can be majorly helped by it.
Knight– For the longest time, I thought the dark prince was key to beating bait decks. It’s not, more on that when we get to snowball. Knight is better because in a GY deck, you don’t care much about your unit getting to the tower, and on defense, the knight does everything dark prince does. Nothing really special here, except that it works weirdly well.
Mega minion– No strong feelings here, but minions aren’t reliable (arrows, princess) and archers make this deck a little too vulnerable to Valkyrie/Log. Play at the bridge to mop up, or in the back corner for some buildup. You’ll sometimes turn this into a GY push, so it works better than other runners.
Snowball– Another all-star, and the real key to beating bait decks. The main problem this deck ran into was that to kill the goblin gang, you needed to spend so much for my poison. Snowball kills basically anything they’d want to drop on into the graveyard (Stab gobs die while they’re slowed) and pushes valk from her spot.
Pekka Furnace Deck 202
- The Pekka Furnace Deck 2021 focuses on defending with positive trades into big counter-pushes with graveyard, PEKKA, and snowball/poison.
- Furnace creates a bit of chip, as well as stops enemy building targeters, baits poison (so you can graveyard), and is a bit of insurance against swarms like skeletons or goblin gang. It’s extremely reactive, only switching to offensive beatdown when a clear advantage has been gained, or to pull pressure away from cards that the deck has trouble with (switches lanes against sparky or witch, for example).
- It feels like you’re playing a brick wall deck with little offense, at least until double elixir or a decent PEKKA/knight leads naturally into a graveyard. Early game, focus on value, furnace, and figuring out what deck your opponent is playing so you know what you need to counter. You’ll lose a bit of HP, but you’ll generally take out their tower from full or almost full to die anyway.
- If one of their towers is down, your late-game push is any buildup/counter push on the tower that is still up -> Graveyard -> Knight/Mega minion on opponents side in the corner -> Poison/Snowball.
Pekka Furnace Deck 2022 Matchups:
Vs Golem
Pekka and ewiz counter pretty hard, poison is added if they have night witch. You’re almost all counter push here, and furnace tanks golem 2 up from the king tower. You can drop knight or mega minion onto their support if they’ll survive more than a couple of seconds. If they stop playing golem, you win through knight (Behind tower), ewiz, and graveyard. Be patient.
Vs Hog cycle
If you survive, you win pretty easily. You have many tools to stop hog (Furnace, PEKKA, Ewiz), and the hog cycle has no anti graveyard tools. Focus on defense, and your counter push should eat them easily. Play the PEKKA as fast as possible, expecting the hog. If you do it fast enough, it should get 0 hits.
Vs Xbow-
This is really hard, especially if they get a cycle going where they consistently can kill your Pekka without it touching the bow. Try to get your mega minion locked onto the Tesla or Xbow, snowball the skeletons, and try to support both sides. For example, the side that the furnace is on is basically safe from xbow as long as you have PEKKA in your hand– so play your knight to slow walk on the other side. If you’re in a death spiral, take the opposite tower and let them take your tower. They can’t take your remaining tower because you can just drop your troops (knight, Pekka, ewiz, mega minion) on top of their xbow.
Thanks for reading this Pekka Graveyard Deck 2022 All comments, questions, and criticism is welcome