Eternal Tree Beginners Guide - Reroll & Starting Team

Hi guys, Welcome to Eternal Tree Beginners Guide – Reroll & Starting Team, This Eternal Tree Beginners Guide – Reroll & Starting Team guide is created by TheMightyBellegar. Eternal Tree is a modernized Granblue Fantasy clone that just released in JP/KR.

Hi guys, Welcome to Eternal Tree Beginners Guide – Reroll & Starting Team, This Eternal Tree Beginners Guide – Reroll & Starting Team guide is created by TheMightyBellegar. Eternal Tree is a modernized Granblue Fantasy clone that just released in JP/KR.

It has deep turn-based gameplay, the developers are very generous with giving away free characters and pulls, and the 2D art is quite nice as well, so I would recommend checking it out if you don’t mind it not being in English. This guide is meant to help people with their first week or so of play.

Eternal Tree Beginners Guide – Reroll & Starting Team

Eternal Tree Reroll Guide (Infinite)

This game has an infinite reroll system, unlocked near the end of the tutorial. You can get a maximum of two SSRs from it, so don’t click Accept if you only got one SSR! Here are the ones I would recommend:

Galahad – Both the best tank and the best Fire character in the game. He provides team-wide defense and crit buffs, and with his combination of absurd tankiness and self healing he basically never dies. Core for any Fire team.

Betrand – The best support in the game. He provides team-wide double and triple attack buffs, debuff cleanses, healing, and more. While best on a Light team, you can use him with other elements as well.

Charlotte – Do not waste your infinite reroll on this character, you get her for free in your mail. A solid tank/DPS hybrid for an Earth team.

Isabella – A high risk, high reward support character. She damages your own team in exchange for powerful buffs such as reducing your team’s cooldowns. Core for any Dark team, and usable on teams of other elements as well.

Lillian – A good support for a Water team, as she provides massive multi-attack buffs to a single Water character, as well as team-wide healing, debuff cleansing, and crit buffs. While she isn’t the best support in the game, I would still recommend using your infinite reroll on her because the current event heavily favors Water teams.

Lotus Flower (sorry, this translation might be wrong – it’s the Wind fox character) – She is a decent tank/DPS hybrid that provides Evasion to your entire team. She is solid on a Wind team, but it’s not recommended to use your infinite reroll on her unless you really like her.

Eternal Tree Rerolling Guide

Rerolling is not necessary in this game, but if you want a specific Limited character then go ahead. There are three limited banners right now as of June 25th.

Once you complete Chapter 1 of the story, you gain access to the gacha. You should have at least 50 pulls by now, don’t forget to claim your 10-pull reward for beating Chapter 1 from the Quest menu. You need to finish the final 1-8 story cutscene as well to claim the 10-pull, not just the 1-8 battle.

Geshi is one of the best characters in the game if not the best, and I would recommend rerolling for her if you want to reroll. She is also Water, which will make it easier to clear the current Fire event. Touji is limited but bad, don’t roll on her banner. Rosalie is not as good as Geshi but still one of the best Wind characters.

An optimal reroll would be Geshi+Rosalie, but Geshi by herself is also fine. The Water echo on Geshi’s banner is also very strong, but you can guaranteed get it at 80 pulls so you don’t necessarily need to reroll for it. Also note that blue tickets can only be spent on the normal banner, they aren’t important for rerolling as we are mainly looking to get limited characters. Don’t worry about rerolling for the 0.033% chance mech summons, they are mostly whalebait and have little use for a f2p player.

Eternal Tree Beginner's Guide

Eternal Tree Starting Team

If you followed my reroll advice, you should start building a Water team first to make the current event easier. Your team should look something like this: Geshi – Lillian – (Betrand, Galahad, or Isabella). The last slot is filler and can be whatever you want, as we get a free SSR Water character later on from farming the event and will replace the filler character with her. Don’t worry about your main character’s class, you want to max them all anyways for stat buffs.

If you aren’t building a Water team, then build whatever element you have the most SSRs of, and use on-element SRs or off-element SSRs as filler. Note that you get a free Wind character, Aimee, on day 2 of playing, but I would not recommend building a Wind team first because it is disadvantaged against the current Fire event.

How to get stronger in Eternal Tree

Complete chapter 4 of the main story at least to unlock Raids. Note that Chapter 4 only unlocks Wind and Water raids, so if you are using a different element team you might need to beat Chapter 6. If you aren’t strong enough to beat the story, farm Experience and Cube missions until you get your main team to ideally level 60.

Raids are how you improve your “grid”, which consists of echoes, summons, and weapons. These items grant massive stat buffs to a single element, which is why you always want to play a mono-element team, although using an off-element support character is okay sometimes. Your grid should look something like this, although obviously replace Wind with whatever element you are using:

You should get enough resources to craft a Summon after only a few raids, although getting the SR echoes can take longer. Don’t worry about your grid being optimal since you will replace them with SSR echoes later, just make sure your summon and echo element matches your team’s element. Also, echoes that boost attack are generally better than ones that boost HP.

After your team is lvl 60 and you have farmed a decent grid, you should be strong enough for the majority of game modes! I would recommend farming the event now, as it gives tons of valuable rewards. Note that the event is timegated and doesn’t fully unlock until June 30th.

Eternal Tree Misc Tips

Click the hammer icon on the bottom right of the home screen and then click the salvage icon on the bottom left, this lets you salvage unwanted echoes for materials to upgrade your other echoes. It also gives you materials to buy items such as summon tickets with in the shop. Salvaging +HP echoes is generally always safe. However, don’t salvage SSR echoes unless you know what you’re doing.

If you get a character to level 60, they get alternate art that becomes animated on the home screen! Click the clothes button on the character screen to swap their current skin. You can change your home screen character on the bottom left of the home screen.

Eternal Tree Elements Guide

While the element you start with mostly depends on what characters you roll, here I will give a quick overview of each element to help you decide what you would like to aim for.

Fire – Fire has a good mix of defense and offense, with some of the best buffs and debuffs in the game. It has great consistent damage and is easy to play, but has very little burst damage or healing. A good choice for new players provided you have Galahad and at least one other Fire SSR.

Water – Water has an incredible amount of buffs and healing, making it very forgiving of mistakes. A great choice for new players. However, most of its characters are tanks and healers, so its DPS leaves a bit to be desired. Geshi is the bare minimum for a Water team to function.

Wind – The “ougi” element, meaning it focuses on rapidly filling up the charge gauge and unleashing cutscene attacks. It has high burst damage and relies on evasion for defense, but has very little healing. Recommended if you like watching cutscene attacks. You need Rosalie and Hughes for this team to work.

Earth – Earth has a lot of tank/DPS hybrid characters who deal increased damage the more damage they take. It does great damage and is very tanky due to the attack debuffs it inflicts, but has almost no healing at all. Recommended for people who like tanks and high risk, high reward playstyles. It needs Enido to work (translation might not be accurate – It’s the eyepatch Earth girl).

Light – Light is the most well-balanced out of all the elements. It has very high single target DPS, great healing, and great buffs. Recommended for pretty much anyone. You need Betrand and Olivia for Light to work.

Dark – Dark combines the charge gauge generation of Wind with the self-harm of Earth to create the ultimate offensive playstyle. It does incredible burst damage and has a good amount of healing, but lacks defensive options, so boss attacks can easily oneshot you if you play improperly or are undergeared. Not recommended for new players or for the faint of heart. You need Isabella and at least one other Dark SSR for Dark to function properly.

