How to Play & Counter Shaman in Rush Royale

Example 1 In example 1: I have the opportunity to merge my shamans, but before I do, I will always check my opponents board. In this scenario, hitting a grindstone/bombardier = merges and avoids my shaman-attack without any loss.

Counter Shaman Rush Royale

Example 1

In example 1:

I have the opportunity to merge my shamans, but before I do, I will always check my opponents board. In this scenario, hitting a grindstone/bombardier = merges and avoids my shaman-attack without any loss.

The same with hitting rank-1 thunderers.

So I only have ONE target I want to hit out of 9, and my math tells me I won’t hit it… 27 seconds later we’re here:

Example 1 continued

As you can see I haven’t merged since last, and I still won’t see he still has only one target for me to hit. As you can also see I’m currently winning (because of my 3-star thunderer), and if he doesn’t get a 3-star thunderer himself, he loses.

So I’m patiently waiting for him to get more targets for me to hit (since i don’t need to merge anything before he does)

Value shaman:

Playing value-shaman you don’t mind what you hit or when you hit. The only important thing is to actually hit so you give him -1 rank/tower. Therefore boards with different units and different ranks are really good to attack with a shaman.

Another tactic is to save up shamans and do a coordinated attack with e.g. six shamans so your opponent doesn’t have time to merge all. Value shaman is a late-game deck and I win most of my games by simply having more damage due to having more ranks and towers.

Here’s an example of how a win could look like for a value-shaman player:

Example 2

Here I won’t merge since he’s obviously waiting for my shaman-attack. I’m also saving my harlequin for a summoner since i just want to build my own board. In this situation, I know that he will merge before me since I’m winning. If i had a rank-1 thunderer and he had a rank-2 thunderer, I might have merged shamans one time, just to try and hit a rank-2 thunderer.

Later in the game, the board looked like this:

As you can see we both have summoner, mime, and harlequin in out decks which SHOULD mean that we have the same amount of ranks on our towers (same value gain). The difference here is that I’m playing shaman and therefore removing value from his board. This results in him having a combined rank of 22 on his towers while I have 41 ranks. I have nearly double the amount of him, and in this game, I was very patient and made sure I hit all my shaman-attacks.

How to Counter Shaman in Rush Royale

Playing against shaman y

ou want to be patient. Basically, this game comes down to having the strongest board, so try to get a stronger board than your opponent without merging.

If this isn’t possible then you obviously have to merge but merge smart so you merge the minimal amount required to get a stronger board than your opponent.

Last important note of this guide: 

Shaman hits harder on higher rank towers! If you’re against a shaman player you generally want to avoid rank 4+ towers since a shaman-attack on your rank 4 towers basically means a loss of a rank 3 tower (It takes two ranks 3 towers to create a rank 4).

So the late game you try to keep a full board to minimize the risk of shaman hitting your higher rank towers (don’t merge to rank-4 towers to avoid a shaman attack, it’s too risky).

This was me keeping it short… Feel free to ask any questions you might have regarding shaman (or anything else, really)


Playing shaman: Be patient with your shaman merges to guarantee that they hit.

Playing against shaman: Be patient with your merges so you have multiple towers with the same rank so you can avoid shaman-attacks by merging

Shared by u/GCBoii

This was me keeping it short… Feel free to ask any questions you might have regarding shaman in Rush Royale (or anything else, really). now I hope you all can counter Shaman in Rush Royale and Rush Royale Royale Trials event.

Also, stay tuned to The Classify for more info related to the Rush Royale. Also, Check Out Here: Rush Royale Shaman Deck

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