Marvel Snap Beginner Guide Wiki 2022 October

Hi guys, welcome to our Marvel Snap Beginner Guide Wiki, In this Marvel Snap Beginner Guide Wiki 2022. With Global release upon us, I thought a guide of things the game doesn’t tell you would be helpful to new and old players alike! I will also include tips for questions that frequently are asked.

Hi guys, welcome to our  Marvel Snap Beginner Guide Wiki, In this Marvel Snap Beginner Guide Wiki 2022. With Global release upon us, I thought a guide of things the game doesn’t tell you would be helpful to new and old players alike! I will also include tips for questions that frequently are asked.

This will be divided into 2 sections: Basics and Advanced. If I missed anything, comment below and I will add it. So come and take a look at this Marvel Snap Beginner Guide Wiki 2022 October. Also, read – Marvel Snap Decks Tier List Wiki – Meta Decks 2022

Marvel Snap Beginner Guide Wiki 2022 October

The Basics:

• Turn initiative is based on who is currently winning the most locations. If that is tied, it goes based on the highest power. If that is tied, it randomly picks.

• To see who will have initiative each turn, look at the player’s name that is glowing. That player has initiative this turn.

• If the turn initiative is tied and was tied last turn, it will go to whoever already has initiative. If it becomes tied, it will randomly choose. But if you both pass turn 1, the same person will still have initiative, and so on until something changes. (Credit: Myrios369)

• To win a match, you want to win the most locations. If you and your opponent tie with equal locations won, the Victor is determined by who has the most points total across all locations. If that is also a tie, the game simply ends in a tie and no player gains or loses cubes. (An important exception is Bar with no name location, which bases this on whoever has the LEAST points at this location. Credit: gaap_515)

• Card effects resolve in the order you play them. So make sure you pay attention to what needs to happen first. For example: wolfsbane gets +2 power for each card in her lane. If you play her before another card in her lane, that card behind her won’t count as an additional +2. (Credit: cammm54)

• Currently, all cards are obtainable without spending real money. However, season pass cards are timed exclusive for 2 seasons. So a January season pass card will be avaliable in the collection track when the March season starts.

• Leveling your cards will increase its visual effects. If you level a card 6 times, you have the ability to “split” the card. This allows you to unlock a new visual version of the card to get new styles such as foils, inked, gold foil and effects like sparkling or dots flowing from the card.

• Cards that have a gray border (not upgraded) or green border (1 frame break upgrade) get targeted for booster acquisition at a higher rate than other cards at the end of a match. Otherwise boosters are evenly randomized for each card in your deck. So if you are trying to grind out boosters to get a gold foil split, leave a copy of the card gray or green to target it! For consistency, make sure other cards are not green or gray. (Credit: MonolithicPlatypus)

• For every game you complete, you get 1xp for the season pass for each turn completed and 10xp for each location won. You get 5xp for tied locations.

• Cards unlocked are divided into pools 1, 2 and 3. You cannot reach pool 2 or 3 without finishing previous pools. The order you unlock cards in each pool is random, but the pools are preset. and snapzone have a breakdown of each pools cards.

• You cannot get duplicate cards in the upgrade track, but you can collect variant arts for cards once you own the base copy.

• Currently, there is no way to target a card for unlock or to buy them outright. The developers have Collector Tokens coming in the near future that will allow you to spend accumulated tokens to early unlock cards you have your eye on for a deck you want.

• There are currently a couple of cards (Thanos and Glactus) that are in the game but cannot be collected. You can only play them through random effects such as X Mansion (location) or Agent 13 (Add a random card to your hand) as well as well!

• You get credit for challenges if you retreat after turn 4 or if your opponent snaps on any turn. This can be helpful for missions like “win a location with 4 cards” or “win a lane with less than 10 power”.

• There is a turn timer that is built into the “end turn button”. Keep an eye in it to avoid getting timed out! Missing a turn will make your next timer move rapidly unless you enteract with cards to show the game you aren’t afk.

• Locations that state “you cannot play cards here” can still have cards added if you have cards like nightcrawler or squirrel girl. Use this to catch opponent off guard! Don’t confuse this with “cards can’t be added here” as the card will simply fail to be added there.

• Retreating is a strategy! Don’t feel ashamed to leave a match if you don’t feel confident when the opponent snaps. Climbing ranks to 100 is doable for any player if you manage your cubes well, and retreating is part of that!

• There are 2 ways to retreat. Retreat now and retreat later. If you press “retreat now”, the game immediately ends in a loss for you. If you press “retreat later”, the game remains active until your opponent ends their turn or also retreats. As a note, the game will never tell you “Tie!” if your opponent also retreated. It will say escaped as usual, but you can see your cubes will not be subtracted at the end of the match. If you don’t pay attention to the cubes after the match, you won’t know if it was a tie or a loss.


• Ranks drop 3 tiers every season. If you are level 79, you will drop to 40 at season start. If you are at level 80, you will drop to 50 at season start. Any level over 100 will always drop back to 70.

• When a season resets, you must play 10 matches before collecting any ranked rewards you already qualify for. (Credit: LostProductivity)

• The website is a great resource for deckbuilding and Stat tracking. Need help building a deck? This is the first place to check.

• Wednesday and Thursday will feature a new location each week. This location will have a 40% chance of appearing each game. Sunday will feature a old location as “hot location” for the day with a 60% of appearing. (Credit: Erratically_Sporadic) Days may be different based on time zones. For example: My day begins 11pm EST on Tuesday and ends Thursday at 11pm EST. (Credit: gaap_515)

• The location TVA ends the game on turn 4. When the game ends early, the amount of cubes earned is not doubled like normal games. So if you think you may lose a TVA match and your opponent has not snapped, don’t retreat! The cube loss won’t make a difference and you may actually win in some situations.

• Playing Onslaught (double ongoing effects) and playing mystique (Copy the last ongoing) or onto Onslaughts Citadel location (double ongoing effects) will effectively give an 8x effect to ongoing at that location. (People are often confused by this interaction)

• Playing Mysterio on a copy location will give you a copy of (mysterio?) and will not reveal into the actual card at any point.

• When Ego (location) takes over the game, Ego’s plays are completely random for both players. It does not have logic.

• When you eventually get to collector reserved and caches, there is a pity timer for collecting new cards. If you don’t pull a new card by 8 caches, the 9th one will always have a new card.

That’s it for this Marvel Snap Beginner Guide Wiki 2022 October

Credit: u/CanadianAlfredo Reddit.

