Top 9 Best Capture The Mortar Deck 2022 for Party Mode

Hi guys, we are back with the Capture The Mortar Deck 2022, This is a Capture the Mortar challenge is back now in party mode, In this Capture The Mortar mode, You have to capture the Mortar in the center of the Arena to aid you in battle,

Hi guys, we are back with the Capture The Mortar Deck 2022, This is a Capture the Mortar challenge is back now in party mode, In this Capture The Mortar mode, You have to capture the Mortar in the center of the Arena to aid you in battle,

so come and take a look at these captures The Mortar Deck 2022

Golem Baby Dragon Mortar Time Challenge Decks 2022

Best Capture The Mortar Deck 2021

Generally, you want to open with a Dark  Prince to test and see what deck your enemy is playing.

NEVER, EVER use Golem as a starting hand as you might get punished easily. As I said above, best time to go with Golem at the back is when you just defended their win condition with positive Elixir trade.Use Baby Dragon and Mega Minion to defend against most pushes Continue Reading »

Pekka Bridge Spam Capture The Mortar Deck 2022

Mortar Time Decks 2020 | Mortar Challenge Deck

The game plan is very simple and you just have to Support your P.E.K.K.A by using Magic Archer and E Wiz to deal with supporting troops while damaging the tank, or just cut them off with Bandit or Royal Ghost

Elixir Golem Capture The Mortar Deck 2022

Mortar Time Decks 2020 | Mortar Challenge Deck

NEVER, EVER use Elixir Golem as a starting hand as you might get punished easily. As I said above, the best time to go with Elixir Golem at the back is when you just defended their win condition with positive Elixir trade. Use Baby Dragon and Mega Minion to defend against most pushes

Once you hit double Elixir drop the big bad Elixir Golem in the back and build up your pushes. when the Elixir Golem crosses the river

clash royale mortar time deck with Pekka Hunter

Mortar Time Decks 2020 | Mortar Challenge Deck

Pekka: One of the (if not the best) defensive cards in the game. Excellent tank killer and good tank for the rest of the cards in this deck. She works extremely well on the counter push, meaning you can kill a Hog with her, then push with Hunter or Skeleton Barrel ! She is also your main counter to your opponent tanks like Giant or Mega Knight. would not suggest using it as a win-condition because as well all know, Pekka is easily distracted and killed by swarm units

Mini Pekka Dark Prince Capture The Mortar Deck 2022

Mortar Time Decks 2020 | Mortar Challenge Deck

During the first 2 minutes, I usually run Mini PEKKA and Lumberjack together and Prince and Dark Prince together as two pairs. Both pairs plus Fire Spirits can be devastating pushes as well as great on defense. I always try to drop Mini Pekka first to bait out whatever they would not play if she was going to defend. That way I can drop the Lumberjack and give them a little surprise.

During X2 Elixir, this deck is very versatile. This deck can either push a single lane with all 4, or push both lanes simultaneously with the two pairs. This deck is also good at switching lanes against people who have strong, but slow defenses (Furnace, Ice Wizard, defensive buildings) 

Night Witch Elixir Golem clash royale mortar time challenge deck

Mortar Time Decks 2020 | Mortar Challenge Deck

Early game you can start out the match with Elixir Golem at the back. You can also play Magic Archer in the back. Normally I say to learn what your opponent is playing but you can see just how powerful this deck because there isn’t a single combo in the meta that can stop this deck 

Goblin Cage Graveyard Poison best mortar time deck

In the early game, your first and only priority is to figure out what deck your opponent is running, and what their counters to your Graveyard are..

Don’t go all out immediately, instead start off small with a Graveyard and Baby Dragon at the bridge.

Mega Knight Fisherman best mortar time challenge deck

The strengths of this deck is it’s defensive potential. With the Mega Knight, Magic Archer and Fisherman, you scan clean up most pushes and create a deadly counter push with Bandit and E Wiz

This deck also has the Inferno Dragon which has been a very strong card in the July Meta 2019. You can use Inferno Dragon to Kill Big Tak Like Golem And Pekka

Elixir Golem Grave Mortar Time Challenge Decks 2022

In the early game, I recommend trying to activate your king tower with the help of Tornado as early as possible, this is particularly important against hog rider, bait and graveyard decks and You need to wait for the opponent to make the first play, always defend throughout single elixir and figure out what deck your opponent is playing.

you can play Elixir Golem at the back of your king tower and combined Elixir Golem with Battle Healer and Skeleton Dragon or Electro Dragon

Thanks for reading guys these are best mortar time challenge deck.

