20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Tree, Synergies & Enemies

Hi guys, Welcome to our 20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Tree, Synergies & Enemies, Loots Guide, In this 20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Guide, we will show you Current Different Upgrades and Synergies. So come and look at this 20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Tree Guide.

Hi guys, Welcome to our 20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Tree, Synergies & Enemies, Loots Guide, In this 20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Guide, we will show you Current Different Upgrades and Synergies.

So come and look at this 20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Tree Guide.

20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Tree Guide

Upgrade Trees (Utility)

  • How to read Skill Tree:
  • First Skill refers to Topmost Icon
  • Second Skill 1 refers to Left Second-row Icon
  • Second Skill 2 refers to Right Second-row Icon
  • Ultimate Skill refers to the Bottom-most Icon

Take Note: Any negative effects will be UNDERLINED
Example: Max HP -1

Holy Shield Tree

First Skill: Holy Shield
– Give the player a shield that blocks 1 hit
– Shield has a 2 minute cooldown

Second Skill 1: Divine Blessing
– Increase Reload and Movement speed by 15% while shield is active

Second Skill 2: Divine Wrath
– Random targets an enemy with lighting (22 damage) every second while shield is active

Ultimate Skill: Stalwart Shield
– Reduce shield cooldown by 1 minute

Health Tree

First Skill: Vitality
– Max HP +1

Second Skill 1: Anger Point
– On hit, bullet damage and attack speed increase by 50%
– Buff last 15s

Second Skill 2: Giant
– Max HP +2
– Player size +50%
– Movement speed -16%

Ultimate Skill: Regeneration
– Regen 1HP every 90 seconds

Magnet Tree

First Skill: Magnetism
– Pickup Range +30%

Second Skill 1: Recharge
– Pickup Range +20%
– Each XP orb pickup has a 10% to refill 1 ammo

Second Skill 2: Excitement
– Pickup Range +20%
– After picking up XP orb, Fire rate +35% for 1s

Ultimate Skill: Watch & Learn
– Pickup Range +15%
– Vision Range +25%

Haste Tree

First Skill: Haste
– Move Speed +20%
– Fire Rate +5%

Second Skill 1: Blazing Speed
– Move Speed +10%
– Inflict Ignite (3 damage/second) as you run, frequency increase as your move speed increases

Second Skill 2: Run & Gun
– Walk Speed +100%

Ultimate Skill: In the Wind
– Bullet damage and Move Speed +10% every 10 seconds (Max 40%)
– Buff resets on damage taken

Reload Tree

First Skill: Quick Hands
– Reload Speed +20%
– Fire Rate +5%

Second Skill 1: Armed & Ready
– Reload Speed +10%
– Max Ammo +2

Second Skill 2: Fresh Clip
– Reload Speed +5%
– Increase Bullet damage +30% for 1 Second after reload

Ultimate Skill: Kill Clip
– Increase Reload Speed by 5% for each kill
– Buff Resets after each reload
Upgrade Trees (Offense)

Gunpowder Tree

First Skill: Power Shot
– Bullet Damage +25%
– Knockback +20%

Second Skill 1: Splinter
– Enemies killed by bullets explode into 3 bullets
– These bullets deal 10% base damage

Second Skill 2: Big Shot
– Bullet Damage +35%
– Bullet Size +40%
– Fire Rate -16%

Ultimate Skill: Reaper Rounds
– Bullet Damage +15%
– Piercing +1
– Bullets that kill enemies continue to pierce

Glare Tree

First Skill: Glare
– Vision Range +25%
– All enemies within your vision range take 5 damage every 2 seconds

Second Skill 1: Intense Glare
– Vision Range +25%
– Damage of Glare is doubled

Second Skill 2: Sight Magic
– Vision Range +15%
– Damage from Glare is also applied to the on-hit effects of your bullets

Ultimate Skill: Saccade
– Vision Range -16%
– Damage of Glare occurs twice as often

Pryomancy Tree

First Skill: Pyro Mage
– Bullets have 50% chance to ignite(3 damage/second) enemies on hit

Second Skill 1: Fire Starter
– Launches a Fireball every fourth shot
– Fireball inflicts 40 damage on hit and ignites enemies in a large area

Second Skill 2: Intense Burn
– Increase burn damage +35% (From 3 to 5 damage/second)

Ultimate Skill: Soothing Warmth
– Whenever you ignite an enemy, there is a chance to heal 1hp (0.05%)

Sniper Tree

First Skill: Take Aim
– Bullet Speed +30%
– Spread -15

Second Skill 1: Penetration
– Bullet Speed +15%
– Piercing +1

Second Skill 2: Sniper
– Bullet Speed +25%
– Bullet Damage +15%

Ultimate Skill: Assassin
– Bullet Speed +10%
– Instant kill enemies below 20% hp

Double Shot Tree

First Skill: Double Shot
– Projectiles +1
– Spread +15
– Bullet Damage -10%

Second Skill 1: Fan Fire
– Last bullet fires additional 10 bullets that deals 15% of the base bullet damage

Second Skill 2: Split Fire
– Fire 1 bullet behind the player

Ultimate Skill: Fusillade
– Projectile +1
– Spread +15
– Bullet Damage -10%
– Doubles base projectiles

Gunner Tree

First Skill: Rapid Fire
– Fire Rate +25%

Second Skill 1: Light Bullets
– Fire Rate +15%
– Max Ammo +1
– Bullet Speed +15%

Second Skill 2: Rubber Bullets
– Bullet Bounce +1
– Fire Rate +10%
– Bullet Damage -10%

Ultimate Skill: Siege
– While Standing Still, 33% chance to not consume ammo while firing

Electromacy Tree

First Skill: Electro Mage
– Every 2nd Shot triggers lighting to hit a nearby enemy
– Lightning deals 22 damage

Second Skill 1: Electro Bug
– Summons an electro bug that triggers lightning on 2 nearby enemies

Second Skill 2: Energized
– Each time lightning strikes an enemy, there is a 20% to refill 3 bullets

Ultimate Skill: Electro Mastery
– Increase all Lightning damage by 12
– Increase Lightning radius by 75%

Cryomancy Tree

First Skill: Frost Mage
– Bullets have 35% chance to inflict Freeze for 3 Seconds
– Boss enemies are Frozen for 0.3 Second

Second Skill 1: Frostbite
– When enemies is afflicted with Freeze, they lose 25% Max HP
– Boss enemies only lose 1% Max HP

Second Skill 2: Ice Shard
– On firing last bullet of the magazine, fires 3 additional ice shards that inflict Freeze

Ultimate Skill: Shatter
– Enemies that are Frozen explode when killed
– Explosion deals 25% max HP to nearby enemies
Upgrade Trees (Summons)

Ghost Friend Tree

First Skill: Ghost Friend
– Summons 1 Ghost Friend that shoots 1 piercing 22 damage bullet

Second Skill 1: Energetic Friends
– Increase Summons attack speed +50%

Second Skill 2: In Sync
– Increase Summons damage +15%
– Increase Summons attack speed +15%
– Friends will fire at where you aim

Ultimate Skill: Vengeful Ghost
– Increase Summons damage +15%
– Friends fire 2 projectiles

Magic Lens Tree

First Skill: Magic Lens
– Summons a rotating magic lens
– Bullets that pass through the lens gains +30% damage and size
– Bonus damage is increased by summons damage

Second Skill 1: Igniting Lens
– Bullets that pass the lens will ignite enemies on hit (3 damage/sec)

Second Skill 2: Refraction
– Bullets that pass the lens gain +2 bounce

Ultimate Skill: Focal Point
– All effects of the lens are doubled
– Lens size is halved

Blade Tree

First Skill: Light Weaponry
– Summons a magic dagger that seeks enemies
– Dagger damage scales off your bullet damage

Second Skill 1: Heavy Weaponry
– Summons a Magic Scythe that orbits player
– Scythe damage scales off your bullet damage

Second Skill 2: Sharpen
– Summons Damage +40%

Ultimate Skill: Dual Wield
– Summons a second magic dagger

Dragon Tamer Tree

First Skill: Dragon Egg
– Summons a dragon egg that hatches after 3 minutes

Second Skill 1: Aged Dragon
– Increases Dragon damage by 8 every 60 seconds
– Applies to dragon egg

Second Skill 2: Trained Dragon
– Increase Dragon attack speed by 10% every 60 seconds
– Applies to dragon egg

Ultimate Skill: Dragon Bond
– Bullets deals additional damage equal to 10% of dragon’s damage

How to Kill Tree in 20 Minutes Till Dawn

Destroying Trees

  • Killing these damn trees is not too hard.
  • First you need to take Frost Mage perk
  • Now bullets have 35% chance to freeze enemies for 3 seconds
  • After that you need to take Frost Bite perk

Thats all you need to kill Trees. How does it work? Simple: enemies lose 25% of Max HP when they are afflicted with freeze (Frost Bite effect). Tree is an enemy and got its own HP bar, so just freeze Tree 4 times and its gone.

20 Minutes Till Dawn Synergies Guide


Basic Melee Enemy


  • Explodes when near player or killed
  • Audio cue when triggered


  • First Boss mob encountered
  • Boss have a colored outline

Octoboss drops Treasure Chest when killed


  • Second Boss Mob
  • Spawns with a Rectangular Electric Field
  • Electric Field damages player and constantly shrinks
  • Electric Field despawns after some time, need not defeat boss to despawn

Centaur drops Seal when killed

That’s it for this 20 Minutes Till Dawn Upgrade Tree, Synergies & Enemies

