Hi guys, I will show you Best Miner Pekka Balloon Deck for Electro Valley Arena 11, This Miner Pekka Balloon Deck is working well in Electro Valley Arena 11. This deck will help you to climb in ladder and you can easily reach Legendary Arena 13 with this Miner Pekka Balloon Deck. This Pekka Balloon Deck 2022 is currently incredibly strong and is definitely worth trying out if you’re looking for Best Trophy pushing Deck in 2021 Clash Royale
1.) Miner: This is the win condition. In some matches, you may end up Snowball-and-Miner-cycling to slowly chip away their tower if your Balloon doesn’t make it even after a few attempts.
You can use him as your secondary win condition if your opponent has a super solid counter to your Balloon and Pekka.
Miner is probably the best tank for your Balloon since it can pop up anywhere and take out defending units. Always start off with the anti-nado placement, and if the opponent doesn’t have a Tornado, start mixing up the placements.
2.) Pekka: This is you main win Condition and tank counter also It got nerf to her range in the September update. However she will still be a extremely viable defensive unit that provides a huge counter push potential. She will be your main tank killer so don’t play her early game unless you have to because you can be easily punished.
3.) Balloon: He is your main win condition. He is like a flying P.E.K.K.A when it comes to offensive threat. He is a great punishing card due to his insane DPS and only building focus. Don’t use him at the start. After defending a push, deploy him and the Miner for a nasty counterpush. Beware of building counters as well.
4.) Ice Golem: Ice Golem and Miner is a strong offensive combo if your opponent is caught off guard, and for 2 Elixir the Ice Golem is extremely good in this deck, as well as keeping the Elixir cost low!
It has the most health for two elixir and even then it still has more health than a lot of 4 elixir units. Because it only targets buildings, it’s the best card in the game for kiting enemy units into the other lane.
5.) Ice Spirit: The showstopper, no literally cause he can stop units. Get it? Get it? Okay not funny.
But seriously, for one Elixir, he is value. His Freeze gives time for Mega Minion to kill a Hog, Crown towers to finish of a Lumberjack and an Exe + Mega Minion to finish a P.E.K.K.A.
You can use him with a Balloon to Freeze counters giving your Balloon enough time to at least get one shot at the Crown Tower.
6.) Bats: They seem to fit into any deck, but in here I use them for additional air defense and to cycle.
Feel free to substitute Goblins, Minions, Ice Spirit, or even skellies, whatever your preference is.
When your opponent plays a high-cost unit in the back, or pumps up, rush with Miner + Bats.
7.) Skeleton: Self Explanatory
8.) Snowball: Self Explanatory
Best Pekka Balloon Deck for trophy pushing 2021 Game plan:
In the early game, your first and only priority is to figure out what deck your opponent is running, and what their counters to your Balloon are..
If you decide aggression, go for a Balloon and Ice Spirit or if your really daring, MinerLoon.
This Pekka Balloon Miner Deck 2021 is relatively F2P friendly, as it only contains one legendary troop
IceGolem + Balloon: If the Balloon is protected by the Ice Golem, the opponent’s bats will die immediately to the death damage of the Ice Golem. If they play Minions/Minion Horde, they can die to the death damage of the Ice Golem + a Snowball.
Thanks for Reading, Have Fun